Need of accurate birth details is very important for the research and development of astrology. It is difficult to get accurate celebrity birth details and hence AstroSage has tried to give you reliable information. AstroSage has a large number of birth charts in its database and our team has assigned 'accuracy rating' to each record. 'Extremely Accurate (EA)' and 'Accurate (A)' are reliable for research purpose. Reference (R) can be used with caution. No Reference (N) and 'Dirty Data (DD)' should be used with extreme caution.Here are the details of each rating used by AstroSage. -
Extremely Accurate (EA) - Quite Accurate. Either first hand information or information from good reliable source.
Accurate (A) - Considered Accurate. Birth details from a source with good credibility.
Reference (R) - Some book or journal reference is available.
No Reference (N) - No source information is available for the birth data.
Dirty Data (DD) - Considered inaccurate. Information is not from reliable source and hence chances of inaccuracy is very high.