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Transit 2025 horoscope

Ajit Singh Horoscope and Astrology

Ajit Singh

Date of Birth:

Feb 12, 1939

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



77 E 42


29 N 0

Time Zone:


Information Source:

Lagna Phal (Garg)

AstroSage Rating:

Reference (R)

Ajit Singh's 2025's Jupiter Transit Horoscope

Income or the position will be improved and gain of profits from work or the business activities is guaranteed. Defeat of enemies, increased property, gain of knowledge, favor from superiors and success can be expected during this period. Travels will be very useful this period will also make Ajit Singh human philosophical and profound. Ajit Singh will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently.

Ajit Singh's 2025's Saturn Transit Horoscope

This period is fabulous for Ajit Singh for many reasons. Ajit Singh's ambience is just so great, that things just seem to be sorting themselves out. All Ajit Singh's household affairs are going around their respective orbits with perfect harmony. Ajit Singh's passion and zeal jet Ajit Singh's performance and efficiency to an all time high. There will be favor from the high class, improvement in Ajit Singh's staus, and destruction of Ajit Singh's enemies. Ajit Singh will get full support from Ajit Singh's family members and relatives. There will be a pleasant environment all around Ajit Singh.

Ajit Singh's 2025's Rahu Transit Horoscope

Some restlessness is likely, mainly because of a deep feeling of wanderlust. Ajit Singh don't like to get backed into a corner, so this can cause some strain. The period will begin with a phase of volatility and pressure in career. New project and risks should be avoided. Ajit Singh need to curb new investments and commitment. There are chances of gain but swings in work environment which will not be entirely comfortable. This period is not good as far as worldly comforts are concerned, religious and spiritual deeds can get Ajit Singh out of troubles. Ajit Singh may face sorrow through Ajit Singh's relatives. Sudden accidents and losses are also possible.

Ajit Singh's 2025's Ketu Transit Horoscope

During this period Ajit Singh will be courageous and rise to a high level. Ajit Singh will enjoy conjugal happiness during this time. Ajit Singh's contacts with influential people will definitely increase. Ajit Singh's opponents will lack conviction and courage to face Ajit Singh. Long distance travel is going to be beneficial. For love and romance this is going to be a boon. Ajit Singh will be heroic in strife and overcome Ajit Singh's enemies. Minor ailment can be seen. Family relation will be quite satisfactory. Though relationship with Ajit Singh's children may not be good.
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