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Anton Yelchin Dasha Phal Horoscope

Anton Yelchin Horoscope and Astrology

Anton Yelchin

Date of Birth:

Mar 11, 1989

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



77 W 24


37 N 13

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

Anton Yelchin's Prediction Birth to June 14, 1995

A visit to a holy place of Anton Yelchin's interest is on the charts. Anton Yelchin will, however, have a romantic and charismatic attitude, and this will help Anton Yelchin maintain cordial relations with the ones Anton Yelchin know and establish contacts with the ones Anton Yelchin don't. There is certain amount of wish fulfillment which generally means gains in dealings or promotions in the hierarchy of the organization Anton Yelchin work for. Acqusition of a new vehicle or buying new land is on the cards. Overall, the period is very good.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 1995 to June 14, 2001

This is a mixed period for Anton Yelchin. Anton Yelchin can attract some influential people who will be ready to assist Anton Yelchin in realizing Anton Yelchin's projects and plans. Anton Yelchin will not wait long to receive a fair compensation for Anton Yelchin's hard work. There may be problems and distress due to siblings. Anton Yelchin should pay attention to Anton Yelchin's parent's health as there are some signs of their ill health. There is probability of visiting places of religious importance. This is also an excellent year as far as money matters are concerned.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 2001 to June 14, 2011

This is a period of financial stability for Anton Yelchin. During this period Anton Yelchin can work over Anton Yelchin's hopes and ambitions and give them a better shape. This is a favorable time for love and romance. Anton Yelchin will develop new friendship which will be very rewarding and helpful. Anton Yelchin will enjoy respect and honor from learned people and will be quite popular with the opposite sex. Long distance travel is also indicated.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 2011 to June 14, 2018

Anton Yelchin should avoid complacency and easy-going attitudes, tone down the flashier side of Anton Yelchin's nature, and get back to old-fashioned hard-work in an attempt to succeed in life. Financially it will be a difficult period. Anton Yelchin may have to confront theft, scandals and disputes during this period. Anton Yelchin will find increased work-loads and heightened levels of responsibility at work. This is considered somewhat a bad period for health. Anton Yelchin can face ear and eye troubles. Anton Yelchin's life-partner can also have health issues. Anton Yelchin's peace of mind will remain disturbed.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 2018 to June 14, 2036

This is a period of mixed results for Anton Yelchin. Anton Yelchin will put Anton Yelchin's best in professional field. Anton Yelchin's fixity of purpose will remain intact and Anton Yelchin will not abandon work once undertaken or lose determination. There is danger of developing egoistic temperament in Anton Yelchin's personality. This attitude of Anton Yelchin'ss can lead Anton Yelchin towards unpopularity. Try to be more flexible and gentle while dealing with people. Anton Yelchin will support Anton Yelchin's brothers and sisters. There will be problems to Anton Yelchin's relatives.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 2036 to June 14, 2052

But sufferings and letdowns are bound to come, and Anton Yelchin will need to learn to take things positively and not to leave matters unfinished. Anton Yelchin will need to be in the thick of things at Anton Yelchin's workplace. Sudden losses are also possible. Anton Yelchin may gain from foreign sources. Health problems might disturb Anton Yelchin. Anton Yelchin may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Anton Yelchin's enemies will try in each and every way to tarnish Anton Yelchin's image. Not a very sound period for Anton Yelchin.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 2052 to June 14, 2071

The period will begin with hurdles in career due to pressures created by competition in Anton Yelchin's work area. Anton Yelchin need to be more flexible in handling those situations. New projects and risks in career should be avoided. Anton Yelchin should avoid controversy or seeking a change in job till such time. Anton Yelchin need to keep Anton Yelchin's speech & communications positive & non offensive throughout to ensure Anton Yelchin do not suffer any set backs due to Anton Yelchin's words, written or spoken. Anton Yelchin's relationship with the opposite sex will not be cordial. Illness of life-partner is also on the cards. As far as possible, unwanted travels should be curtailed. Anton Yelchin may have to face some unexpected sorrows and baseless allegations.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 2071 to June 14, 2088

This is a very good period coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last Anton Yelchin can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work Anton Yelchin had been doing for a long time. Anton Yelchin's financial luck will be excellent provided Anton Yelchin avoid dubious speculative activities. Travels can bring Anton Yelchin into contact with compatible partners or new friends. Anton Yelchin will befriend with political dignitaries or higher officials. Anton Yelchin will see birth of a son during this period.

Anton Yelchin's Prediction June 14, 2088 to June 14, 2095

Anton Yelchin should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. There will be dynamism & growth. Anton Yelchin will share good rapport with Anton Yelchin's colleagues and seniors. Income sources are very fine for Anton Yelchin and Anton Yelchin will enjoy Anton Yelchin's family life. Spiritually, Anton Yelchin will be very sound. If Anton Yelchin are looking for promotion Anton Yelchin will definitely going to get it. Anton Yelchin's friend circle will also increase. Sudden travel will also bring good luck for Anton Yelchin. Anton Yelchin will donate for charitable deeds and will prosper during this period.

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