Barbara Hand Clow's 2025's Jupiter Transit Horoscope
Barbara Hand Clow may suffer due to health complications. Barbara Hand Clow will find it difficult to retain money as Barbara Hand Clow will have tendency towards spending on luxuries and pleasures. This is not a good period for indulging in rash speculative activities. Silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments can affect family's peace and serenity. People jealous of Barbara Hand Clow can cause problems, thus may get un-based accusations and create unhappiness in the family beware of them. Barbara Hand Clow may have trouble from opposite gender so Barbara Hand Clow need to be careful of them.
Barbara Hand Clow's 2025's Saturn Transit Horoscope
The trend for Barbara Hand Clow in this period is one of a tremendous creative and intellectual energy. Barbara Hand Clow will feel very romantic and will take Barbara Hand Clow's work as an art and reach out for new ideas. Contacts and communication will bring more opportunities and this adds to the great potential for expansion. Actions of courage and Barbara Hand Clow's sheer genius will bring Barbara Hand Clow money and spirituality in equal measure. Harmony in family life is assured. Minor health ailments could be there. Construction of house or purchase of vehicle is on the card. A very rewarding period for Barbara Hand Clow.
Barbara Hand Clow's 2025's Rahu Transit Horoscope
The outlook however will remain average mostly throughout the period. Barbara Hand Clow should work on developing Barbara Hand Clow's profession rather than focusing on gains. During this period there could be personal issues & minor health issues which could create hurdles for work. There would be challenges and new choices which should be taken carefully. New projects should be totally avoided. This period will experience hurdles due to Barbara Hand Clow's un-adjusting nature as well as competition in work environment. Purchase of land and machinery should be postponed for some time.
Barbara Hand Clow's 2025's Ketu Transit Horoscope
New areas Barbara Hand Clow explore this year could be loss generating as there could be steady rise in expenses which might not yield direct gains or any long term position. There may be trouble from the enemies and legal problems. Barbara Hand Clow will be able to continue with existing line of work & remain low profile and stable in Barbara Hand Clow's outlook. The outlook for gain should be short term only. Medium & long term projects are better started. There may be problem s related to Barbara Hand Clow's eyes. Barbara Hand Clow's friendship with the opposite sex will not be cordial plans of making quick money should be scrutinized first. There can be problem to Barbara Hand Clow's girl friend/ boy friend.