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About Andy Roddick / Andy Roddick Biography

Andy Roddick Horoscope and Astrology

Andy Roddick

Date of Birth:

Aug 30, 1982

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



96 W 2


41 N 17

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

About Andy Roddick/ Who is Andy Roddick

Andrew Stephen "Andy" Roddick is a retired American professional tennis player and former world no. 1. He was known for his fast services.

What year was Andy Roddick born?

Year 1982

What is Andy Roddick's birth date?

His birthday is on Monday, August 30, 1982.

Where was Andy Roddick born?


How old is Andy Roddick ?

Andy Roddick is 43 years old.

When was Andy Roddick born?

Monday, August 30, 1982

What is the nationality of Andy Roddick?

This data is not available.

Andy Roddick's Character horoscope

Andy Roddick think out things that are original in character. These may take widely diverse forms. Andy Roddick might invent some very ingenious contrivance or evolve a new method. Whatever it is, the world will be taken a step forward on Andy Roddick's account.There is no doubt that Andy Roddick set great score on honesty, using the term in its widest sense. Andy Roddick require Andy Roddick's friends to be honest in purpose, honest in speech, as well as in money affairs.Andy Roddick's greatest weakness lies in the way Andy Roddick treat others. Andy Roddick cannot tolerate inefficiency and Andy Roddick are apt to consider those who do not see eye to eye with Andy Roddick as being hopelessly beneath contempt. It would not be difficult for Andy Roddick to cultivate a more charitable and tolerant view towards those who are likely to earn Andy Roddick's disapproval. At any rate, it is well worth trying.Andy Roddick are a person of considerable action. Andy Roddick are never still. Andy Roddick are always making plans and the thing Andy Roddick can least tolerate is inactivity. Andy Roddick have much self will, and the spirit of independence is firmly planted in Andy Roddick. Andy Roddick resent the interference of others, perhaps more than Andy Roddick should, and freedom is a quality Andy Roddick prize very highly- freedom not only of action but also of thought.

Andy Roddick's Happiness and Fulfillment horoscope

Andy Roddick are a person who live in fantasy. Hypersensitive, many of Andy Roddick have inferiority complexes, feeling slighted by taking the most unrelated incident as personal insult. It is important that Andy Roddick do not indulge in drugs or alcohol, for this adds to Andy Roddick's unclarity. Andy Roddick be honest with Andy Roddick'sself and others, and attempt to be as realistic as possible, for Andy Roddick tend toward escapism. Music, colours and nature are very positive in smoothing Andy Roddick's overly sensitive being.Andy Roddick are a sensible person by nature, which will also help Andy Roddick to handle various situations in life. Andy Roddick are likely to experience obstacles in Andy Roddick's studies but will face each and every situation without succumbing to fear. Andy Roddick's urge to acquire more and more knowledge will help Andy Roddick climb the ladder of success. In the initial phase of Andy Roddick's life, Andy Roddick may encounter certain difficulties, but Andy Roddick will prove to be lucky in Andy Roddick's studies solely because of Andy Roddick's concentration skills. Sometimes, Andy Roddick may find it difficult to remember certain things, but thinking hard during such time can make everything crystal clear. This aspect of Andy Roddick's character will help Andy Roddick to succeed in the realm of Andy Roddick's studies.

Andy Roddick's Life Style horoscope

Andy Roddick's parents serve as a spiritual factor influencing Andy Roddick to accomplish certain objectives. Try to do what Andy Roddick want to do. Perform for Andy Roddick'sself and not for them.

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