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About Mohammad Hafeez / Mohammad Hafeez Biography

Mohammad Hafeez Horoscope and Astrology

Mohammad Hafeez

Date of Birth:

Oct 17, 1980

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



72 E 40


32 N 10

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

About Mohammad Hafeez/ Who is Mohammad Hafeez

Mohammad Hafeez (Born on Oct 17, 1980) is a Pakistani cricket player and the former T20 captain of Pakistan national cricket team. He made his ODI debut against Zimbabwe at Sharjah Cricket Association Stadium, on Apr 03, 2003.

What year was Mohammad Hafeez born?

Year 1980

What is Mohammad Hafeez's birth date?

His birthday is on Friday, October 17, 1980.

Where was Mohammad Hafeez born?


How old is Mohammad Hafeez ?

Mohammad Hafeez is 45 years old.

When was Mohammad Hafeez born?

Friday, October 17, 1980

What is the nationality of Mohammad Hafeez?

This data is not available.

Mohammad Hafeez's Character horoscope

Mohammad Hafeez are more clever than most other people. This is due to the fact that Mohammad Hafeez can learn things quickly and without much effort.At times, Mohammad Hafeez show that Mohammad Hafeez are endowed with brilliant attainments, Mohammad Hafeez are far-seeing, Mohammad Hafeez are charitable and kind, Mohammad Hafeez are hospitable. However, Mohammad Hafeez are advised to think in terms of strength and act in terms of strength so that Mohammad Hafeez can really achieve whatever Mohammad Hafeez want to show.Though Mohammad Hafeez are an excellent person but when anger overtakes Mohammad Hafeez, Mohammad Hafeez are irritable, quickly roused, easily annoyed and devoid of patience. The great thing for Mohammad Hafeez to do on these occasions is to practice the art of mastering Mohammad Hafeez's own actions. Make up Mohammad Hafeez's mind to be strong and cultivate such qualities as determination.Mohammad Hafeez are a considerate person. But we advise Mohammad Hafeez to be more considerate to others so that they need Mohammad Hafeez's support and endeavor to be a little better not so that Mohammad Hafeez may crow over them but in order to give them a helping hand.

Mohammad Hafeez's Happiness and Fulfillment horoscope

Mohammad Hafeez are brave and ambitious. Unafraid to take chances and enact their plans, Mohammad Hafeez are extremely active individual who stimulates others into action. A busy person who is always doing something constructively, Mohammad Hafeez rarely misuse energy. If what Mohammad Hafeez are doing with Mohammad Hafeez's life is unfulfilling, Mohammad Hafeez are unafraid to change it.Mohammad Hafeez's way of attaining knowledge is different from others, which makes Mohammad Hafeez's path of education quite smooth. Mohammad Hafeez do not hold onto things for a long time and welcome new changes in life. This special trait of Mohammad Hafeez's character helps Mohammad Hafeez in gaining mastery over more than one subject. Many times, Mohammad Hafeez maintain a delusional attitude towards Mohammad Hafeez's studies because of Mohammad Hafeez's emotional turmoil. Mohammad Hafeez should not give birth to such situations as it can block Mohammad Hafeez's path of attaining education. Mohammad Hafeez will receive a considerable amount of support from Mohammad Hafeez's teachers and they will not take a backseat in providing Mohammad Hafeez guidance. Mohammad Hafeez's bond with Mohammad Hafeez's teacher will get nurtured and Mohammad Hafeez will lead a successful life. As Mohammad Hafeez are quite industrious, Mohammad Hafeez will devote Mohammad Hafeez's time in subjects where Mohammad Hafeez lag behind and earn Mohammad Hafeez's expertise over this particular subject also.

Mohammad Hafeez's Life Style horoscope

Mohammad Hafeez are motivated to work hard to earn money because Mohammad Hafeez feel that beautiful surroundings are essential to gain the high regard of others. This is not true. Pursue these directions only if Mohammad Hafeez find true happiness in them.

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