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Ali Landry 2024 Horoscope

Ali Landry Horoscope and Astrology

Ali Landry

Date of Birth:

Jul 21, 1973

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:

Breaux Bridge


91 W 54


30 N 16

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

Year 2024 Summary Horoscope

The rivals and opponents will not dare to face the native. Legal battles will be in Ali Landry's favor. Ali Landry will enjoy name, fame, money and success in financial matters. Good support from brothers and relatives is on the cards. Ali Landry will be visiting religious places and get help from people. Ali Landry will get success for Ali Landry's endeavors and efforts.

Jul 21, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024

There will be good chances of entering into profitable deals. If Ali Landry have applied for loans, then Ali Landry might get finances. Minor health ailment could also be possible. Ali Landry will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give Ali Landry's best to both these vital aspects of life. Ali Landry's cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring Ali Landry prosperity fame and good income or profits. Ali Landry will emerge as winner in competition and successful in interviews.

Sep 14, 2024 - Nov 01, 2024

Ali Landry take care of Ali Landry'sself now and not let Ali Landry'sself be overburdened, and that way Ali Landry can keep Ali Landry'sself going for long. There might be a few disappointments. Ali Landry's courage and convictions are Ali Landry's strongest qualities, but it might hurt to get a little too pigheaded. Don't go for big investment because things may not turn up according to Ali Landry's expectations. Ali Landry may not get proper support from Ali Landry's friends and associates. Family members attitude will be quite different. Health will be an issue and Ali Landry will see diseased like nausea, fever attacks, ear infection and vomiting.

Nov 01, 2024 - Dec 29, 2024

Job matters will remain mostly below average and not entirely satisfactory. Work environment will remain disturbed and under pressure during this period. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally. Ali Landry should avoid major activity during this period. If working as a professional, this year will experience hurdles and some challenges. There will be uncertainty and some confusion. Ali Landry will lack full support from Ali Landry's own people. Possiblity of some legal action against Ali Landry is also there. The health of Ali Landry's dear ones may create anxiety for Ali Landry. There will be problem in the progeny during this period. Ali Landry should keep a low profile during this time and avoid changes.

Dec 29, 2024 - Feb 19, 2025

Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. This is a good time to start new ventures. This transit indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, Ali Landry's cherished desires will be fulfilled. Ali Landry may get into new trade or get new contracts. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be expected. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period. Ali Landry need to pay special attention to the relationship with Ali Landry's life-partner and some caution is required there.

Feb 19, 2025 - Mar 12, 2025

This is not a very successful period for Ali Landry. Ali Landry may get indulge in unnecessary expenses but Ali Landry need to put a hold on it. All kinds of speculations must be avoided. Ali Landry will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. Don't try to take risks in business matters as period is not very harmonious to Ali Landry. Ali Landry's enemies will try to tarnish Ali Landry's image. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Ali Landry's enemies will try to tarnish Ali Landry's image. Ali Landry's health may become a cause of anxiety. Ali Landry may be inclined towards mantra and spiritual practice.

Mar 12, 2025 - May 12, 2025

Ali Landry will come up with new ideas for dealing with Ali Landry's challenges. Dealings and transactions will work out smoothly and effortlessly for Ali Landry, as Ali Landry score one over Ali Landry's competitors. Income will come for Ali Landry from more than one source. Ali Landry's friends and family will just make Ali Landry's personal life so much richer and more fulfilling. Ali Landry's relations with Ali Landry's clients' associates and other concerned persons will definitely improve as the period rolls on, Ali Landry will buy some luxury items in this period. Overall, a rewarding period for Ali Landry.

May 12, 2025 - May 30, 2025

This is a good time for self-expression and the use of Ali Landry's creative abilities in various fields. The most unexpected changes could be expected in Ali Landry's work area and in professional activities which are outstanding for Ali Landry. There will be favor from the higher authorities and seniors. Positive changes in Ali Landry's personal and professional life will take place. Ali Landry may gain paternal properties. Ali Landry would surely be successful during this period and see fulfillment of Ali Landry's wishes.

May 30, 2025 - Jun 30, 2025

It should turn out to be the prosperous period for Ali Landry. Ali Landry will receive many surprises, mostly pleasant. There will be happiness through spouse and Ali Landry's relatives. There will be success in disputes and litigations. Ali Landry will buy a new house or a vehicle. Ali Landry may get huge profits from Ali Landry's contracts and agreements. Ali Landry will prevail over all Ali Landry's enemies. It is a favorable period as far as money matters are concerned.

Jun 30, 2025 - Jul 21, 2025

Ali Landry should learn to relax to avoid unnecessary mental stress when things seem to be stagnating at the professional front. Resist the urge to change jobs on an impulse driven by feelings of disappointment or frustration. This is also a period which can create troubles or messy situations due to carelessness or negligence creating worries and unnecessary troubles. Health requires immediate attention as injuries and accidents and on the card. There will be disturbance in the family life and also Ali Landry should be careful of the sex diseases.

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