It would be advisable to maintain cordial relations with relatives. A health check is necessary. A prolonged illness is speculated. Craig Kieswetter's enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm Craig Kieswetter, so better to keep safe distance from them. Family members health may disturb Craig Kieswetter's peace of mind. Financial condition may not be good and Craig Kieswetter may get into debt. There can be expenditure and loss due to thieves and disputes. There will be disputes and disagreements with the authorities.
Nov 28, 2025 - Jan 25, 2026
Job matters will remain mostly below average and not entirely satisfactory. Work environment will remain disturbed and under pressure during this period. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally. Craig Kieswetter should avoid major activity during this period. If working as a professional, this year will experience hurdles and some challenges. There will be uncertainty and some confusion. Craig Kieswetter will lack full support from Craig Kieswetter's own people. Possiblity of some legal action against Craig Kieswetter is also there. The health of Craig Kieswetter's dear ones may create anxiety for Craig Kieswetter. There will be problem in the progeny during this period. Craig Kieswetter should keep a low profile during this time and avoid changes.
Jan 25, 2026 - Mar 17, 2026
This is not a very satisfactory period for Craig Kieswetter. Craig Kieswetter may get indulge into sudden losses financially. Failure in attempts will make Craig Kieswetter feel frustrated. Craig Kieswetter will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. Family life will also create tensions. Don't try to take risks in business matters as period is not very harmonious to Craig Kieswetter. Craig Kieswetter's enemies will try to tarnish Craig Kieswetter's image. Craig Kieswetter may also get indulge into unnecessary expenses. Health may also give some trouble. Especially old people may encounter catarrh and phlegmatic troubles.
Mar 17, 2026 - Apr 08, 2026
Craig Kieswetter will be able to maintain good rapport with Craig Kieswetter's superiors which is very beneficial to Craig Kieswetter on long run. Loss of position is indicated during this period. Craig Kieswetter's mind will be full of innovative and creative thoughts, but don't try to apply them without realizing the pros and cons of the situations. Craig Kieswetter should give more attention to Craig Kieswetter's domestic life. Travel is on Craig Kieswetter's cards and would be very rewarding. There are chances of ill health of Craig Kieswetter's family members so take good care of them as well as Craig Kieswetter'ss.
Apr 08, 2026 - Jun 07, 2026
This period is fabulous for Craig Kieswetter for many reasons. Craig Kieswetter's ambience is just so great, that things just seem to be sorting themselves out. All Craig Kieswetter's household affairs are going around their respective orbits with perfect harmony. Craig Kieswetter's passion and zeal jet Craig Kieswetter's performance and efficiency to an all time high. There will be favor from the high class, improvement in Craig Kieswetter's staus, and destruction of Craig Kieswetter's enemies. Craig Kieswetter will get full support from Craig Kieswetter's family members and relatives. There will be a pleasant environment all around Craig Kieswetter.
Jun 07, 2026 - Jun 26, 2026
Craig Kieswetter will be confident and positive during this period. Craig Kieswetter will continue to wield power and authority either in government or public life. Short distance journeys are indicated which will prove to be beneficial. Craig Kieswetter will spend money freely. Craig Kieswetter and a close family member may suffer from ill health. Specifically it indicates sickness to Craig Kieswetter's life partner, severe headache or eye complaints.
Jun 26, 2026 - Jul 26, 2026
It should turn out to be the prosperous period for Craig Kieswetter. Craig Kieswetter will receive many surprises, mostly pleasant. There will be happiness through spouse and Craig Kieswetter's relatives. There will be success in disputes and litigations. Craig Kieswetter will buy a new house or a vehicle. Craig Kieswetter may get huge profits from Craig Kieswetter's contracts and agreements. Craig Kieswetter will prevail over all Craig Kieswetter's enemies. It is a favorable period as far as money matters are concerned.
Jul 26, 2026 - Aug 16, 2026
This is the time which will show Craig Kieswetter mixed results. Don't overlook minor health related problems because it may turn into a big one. Some diseases that require special attention are ulcer, rheumatism, vomiting, head an eye troubles, pain in joints or injury due to falling of heavy metallic lump etc. Difficult situations may arise in Craig Kieswetter's path but don't lose Craig Kieswetter's heart in the adversities as Craig Kieswetter's self-confidence will work in Craig Kieswetter's favor. Dispute with government and senior officials are on the card, so Craig Kieswetter are advised to be careful. This is not a favorable time for speculation or taking risks.
Aug 16, 2026 - Oct 10, 2026
Volatility & some lack of direction in career will prevail as the period starts. Craig Kieswetter should avoid new projects or major changes in career during this time. Craig Kieswetter will not be able to cope well with Craig Kieswetter's friends and relatives. Unwanted situations may arise, which can create fighting, troubles into Craig Kieswetter's life. Don't adopt undesirable means for quick monetary gains. Working/service conditions shall not be satisfactory. There could be danger of accident/mishap. Try to build up Craig Kieswetter's confidence to cope with awkward situations which will come in this period. Craig Kieswetter may have cough problems, asthmatic complaints or rheumatic pains.
Oct 10, 2026 - Nov 28, 2026
This period is surely going to bring all the authority. A foreign connection will serve Craig Kieswetter well for a considerable duration, and they might just be the source of the extra unexpected income on the cards for Craig Kieswetter and power that Craig Kieswetter strive for. Keep up the tempo and believe in Craig Kieswetter's abilities, the year will see Craig Kieswetter off in a completely new position. Family atmosphere will be very supporting. A long distance travel will be rewarding. Craig Kieswetter will take interest in religion and perform charitable deeds.