Jacques Campagne
Aug 12, 1940
2 E 39, 50 N 47
2 E 39
50 N 47
Reference (R)
Look for a career where Jacques Campagne can use Jacques Campagne's abilities to carry out projects in minute detail. These projects must be perfect, and Jacques Campagne will not be under pressure to limit the time it takes to complete them. For instance, if Jacques Campagne go into interior design, Jacques Campagne should have clients who have enough money to spend so that Jacques Campagne can do an elegant job.
Jacques Campagne have an excellent memory, excellent health, and plenty of force in Jacques Campagne's character. All this makes it clear that Jacques Campagne were born to command. It hardly matters what the particular line of occupation is, Jacques Campagne should do well in it. But where Jacques Campagne will chafe is in passing up from junior posts to the executive positions. If promotion is slow, Jacques Campagne may become despondent and even spoil Jacques Campagne's chances by plain speaking. Once Jacques Campagne climb up the ladder and reach a good height, Jacques Campagne's abilities will establish Jacques Campagne firmly. From this, it is seen that Jacques Campagne will fare better in the higher ranks of service than in the lower. Clearly, it will be wise for Jacques Campagne to go cautiously while getting Jacques Campagne's footing.
In matters relating to financial prospects Jacques Campagne will be largely the arbitrator of Jacques Campagne's own destiny. The success of Jacques Campagne's work will come first in every way. If Jacques Campagne belong to the higher plane which Jacques Campagne's natural gifts entitle Jacques Campagne to occupy, Jacques Campagne will always find the wealth and gain high position, but in such things Jacques Campagne will never be satisfied. Jacques Campagne always crave for the something just beyond Jacques Campagne's means. Jacques Campagne will be most generous in money matters and inclined to reduce Jacques Campagne's reserves by giving to benevolent institutions and helping Jacques Campagne's relatives.