Malini Awasthi may get indulge into sudden losses financially. Failure in attempts will make Malini Awasthi feel frustrated. Malini Awasthi will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. There is displacement, transfer and trouble in foreign lands. There are chances of falling into bad companies so, better aware of that. Malini Awasthi's health will be weak and Malini Awasthi will be caught by many diseases. Malini Awasthi's social reputation can also be hampered. There will be disputes with good people in the society.
Feb 21, 2025 - Apr 23, 2025
The trend for Malini Awasthi in this period is one of a tremendous creative and intellectual energy. Malini Awasthi will feel very romantic and will take Malini Awasthi's work as an art and reach out for new ideas. Contacts and communication will bring more opportunities and this adds to the great potential for expansion. Actions of courage and Malini Awasthi's sheer genius will bring Malini Awasthi money and spirituality in equal measure. Harmony in family life is assured. Minor health ailments could be there. Construction of house or purchase of vehicle is on the card. A very rewarding period for Malini Awasthi.
Apr 23, 2025 - May 11, 2025
Malini Awasthi'll be successful in whatever Malini Awasthi take up. All Malini Awasthi's endeavors will be successful and Malini Awasthi'll overcome all Malini Awasthi's difficulties. Malini Awasthi's enemies will face defeat. A promotion is status can be speculated. Malini Awasthi will gain respect and good will. Malini Awasthi will win litigation. A successful period on the whole. Malini Awasthi need to be careful from inflmation and eye relation problems. There can be illness to mother and maternal relatives.
May 11, 2025 - Jun 11, 2025
This will prove to be a fantastic period for Malini Awasthi. Malini Awasthi will be very confident with Malini Awasthi's thoughts and chance of getting promotion is highly recommended. There are chances of sudden travel which seems to be very fruitful. There will be happiness from siblings and from the opposite sex. This is also a good period for Malini Awasthi's borthers. Thought of changing place or profession should be avoided.
Jun 11, 2025 - Jul 02, 2025
Success in examinations, or promotion, or increased recognition in occupation is assured. Increased corporation from the family is seen. Help from people who live in faraway places or foreign associates. Malini Awasthi may get a new assignment which will be very beneficial to Malini Awasthi. Malini Awasthi will have tremendous confidence to handle any kind of adverse situation.
Jul 02, 2025 - Aug 26, 2025
Though Malini Awasthi will try a lot to maintain good relation with Malini Awasthi's partners or associates but all in ruin. Growth & new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges and difficulties. There could be controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are also possible. Health problems might disturb Malini Awasthi. Malini Awasthi may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.
Aug 26, 2025 - Oct 14, 2025
This period is surely going to bring all the authority. A foreign connection will serve Malini Awasthi well for a considerable duration, and they might just be the source of the extra unexpected income on the cards for Malini Awasthi and power that Malini Awasthi strive for. Keep up the tempo and believe in Malini Awasthi's abilities, the year will see Malini Awasthi off in a completely new position. Family atmosphere will be very supporting. A long distance travel will be rewarding. Malini Awasthi will take interest in religion and perform charitable deeds.
Oct 14, 2025 - Dec 10, 2025
The great energy Malini Awasthi radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in Malini Awasthi's life. Malini Awasthi's rivals will not dare to face Malini Awasthi. Financially' it is a wonderful period for Malini Awasthi. Malini Awasthi are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in Malini Awasthi's individuality at work and around friends and family. Malini Awasthi will reap great rewards as Malini Awasthi learn to expand Malini Awasthi's communication skills and be true to Malini Awasthi's inner self and Malini Awasthi's own personal needs. Malini Awasthi's service/job conditions will definitely improve. Malini Awasthi will get all kind of support from Malini Awasthi's coworkers and subordinates. Malini Awasthi may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding Malini Awasthi's health is required.
Dec 10, 2025 - Jan 31, 2026
Malini Awasthi may suffer due to health complications. Malini Awasthi will find it difficult to retain money as Malini Awasthi will have tendency towards spending on luxuries and pleasures. This is not a good period for indulging in rash speculative activities. Silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments can affect family's peace and serenity. People jealous of Malini Awasthi can cause problems, thus may get un-based accusations and create unhappiness in the family beware of them. Malini Awasthi may have trouble from opposite gender so Malini Awasthi need to be careful of them.
Jan 31, 2026 - Feb 21, 2026
A phase of confusion in strategy & misunderstandings with business partners or associates is possible. Major expansion & long term plans should be put on hold. Focus should be on gains from existing sources, throughout the period. It is better to avoid travel as far as possible. Malini Awasthi's enemies will put their best efforts to harm Malini Awasthi. Even Malini Awasthi should be careful about Malini Awasthi's friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of Malini Awasthi'sself as it may become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of chonic diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter off act Malini Awasthi will be inclined towards unproductive pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with the characterless persons.