Paul Pogba may hear bad news about a close relative or family member. Paul Pogba are advised to take proper care of Paul Pogba'sself as there are chances of suffering from diseases. There is a loss of wealth, loss of confidence, fruitless and mental worries. People jealousy for Paul Pogba can cause problems. Chances of financial loss due to theft are also there. Paul Pogba may also indulge in bad company and bad habits.
Mar 15, 2025 - May 09, 2025
This is a period of mixed results for Paul Pogba. Paul Pogba will put Paul Pogba's best in professional field. Paul Pogba's fixity of purpose will remain intact and Paul Pogba will not abandon work once undertaken or lose determination. There is danger of developing egoistic temperament in Paul Pogba's personality. This attitude of Paul Pogba'ss can lead Paul Pogba towards unpopularity. Try to be more flexible and gentle while dealing with people. Paul Pogba will support Paul Pogba's brothers and sisters. There will be problems to Paul Pogba's relatives.
May 09, 2025 - Jun 27, 2025
Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at Paul Pogba, and Paul Pogba's activities. It is high time that Paul Pogba are given credit for Paul Pogba's efforts and other recognize Paul Pogba and look up to Paul Pogba. Needless to say, Paul Pogba's personal relations will get a boost. Children will bring happiness to Paul Pogba. Journeys will be imminent and people will be eager to have a piece of Paul Pogba. This period will cause Paul Pogba to meditate and inquire about the truth the reality of human existence. There will be some costly and rare acquisition. Overall, this period will be highly rewarding.
Jun 27, 2025 - Aug 23, 2025
The period opens with a difficult phase in career. A dip in activity & opportunity will be experienced, although there could be rise in irrelevant activity in career. New investments or risky deals should be avoided as there could be chances of losses. It will not be advisable to commence new project or make new investments. Paul Pogba should avoid getting aggressive with Paul Pogba's superiors. It would be better to use Paul Pogba's own skill and caliber other than thinking of taking help from others. Possiblity of theft or loss of money due to some other means is also there. Take proper care of Paul Pogba'sself and Paul Pogba's family members. Paul Pogba may also receive bad news regarding some one's demise.
Aug 23, 2025 - Oct 14, 2025
This is a very good period coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last Paul Pogba can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work Paul Pogba had been doing for a long time. Paul Pogba's financial luck will be excellent provided Paul Pogba avoid dubious speculative activities. Travels can bring Paul Pogba into contact with compatible partners or new friends. Paul Pogba will befriend with political dignitaries or higher officials. Paul Pogba will see birth of a son during this period.
Oct 14, 2025 - Nov 04, 2025
Paul Pogba should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. There will be dynamism & growth. Paul Pogba will share good rapport with Paul Pogba's colleagues and seniors. Income sources are very fine for Paul Pogba and Paul Pogba will enjoy Paul Pogba's family life. Spiritually, Paul Pogba will be very sound. If Paul Pogba are looking for promotion Paul Pogba will definitely going to get it. Paul Pogba's friend circle will also increase. Sudden travel will also bring good luck for Paul Pogba. Paul Pogba will donate for charitable deeds and will prosper during this period.
Nov 04, 2025 - Jan 04, 2026
A visit to a holy place of Paul Pogba's interest is on the charts. Paul Pogba will, however, have a romantic and charismatic attitude, and this will help Paul Pogba maintain cordial relations with the ones Paul Pogba know and establish contacts with the ones Paul Pogba don't. There is certain amount of wish fulfillment which generally means gains in dealings or promotions in the hierarchy of the organization Paul Pogba work for. Acqusition of a new vehicle or buying new land is on the cards. Overall, the period is very good.
Jan 04, 2026 - Jan 23, 2026
This is a mixed period for Paul Pogba. Paul Pogba can attract some influential people who will be ready to assist Paul Pogba in realizing Paul Pogba's projects and plans. Paul Pogba will not wait long to receive a fair compensation for Paul Pogba's hard work. There may be problems and distress due to siblings. Paul Pogba should pay attention to Paul Pogba's parent's health as there are some signs of their ill health. There is probability of visiting places of religious importance. This is also an excellent year as far as money matters are concerned.
Jan 23, 2026 - Feb 22, 2026
This will prove to be a fantastic period for Paul Pogba. Paul Pogba will be very confident with Paul Pogba's thoughts and chance of getting promotion is highly recommended. There are chances of sudden travel which seems to be very fruitful. There will be happiness from siblings and from the opposite sex. This is also a good period for Paul Pogba's borthers. Thought of changing place or profession should be avoided.
Feb 22, 2026 - Mar 15, 2026
Paul Pogba should avoid complacency and easy-going attitudes, tone down the flashier side of Paul Pogba's nature, and get back to old-fashioned hard-work in an attempt to succeed in life. Financially it will be a difficult period. Paul Pogba may have to confront theft, scandals and disputes during this period. Paul Pogba will find increased work-loads and heightened levels of responsibility at work. This is considered somewhat a bad period for health. Paul Pogba can face ear and eye troubles. Paul Pogba's life-partner can also have health issues. Paul Pogba's peace of mind will remain disturbed.