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Phillip Schofield's Planetary Position

Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation
Asc Gemini 23-30-47 Punarvasu 2
Sun D Pisces 18-10-07 Revati 1 Friendly
Moon D Aquarius 04-23-36 Dhanishta 4 Neutral
Mars D Aquarius 22-39-22 Purva Bhadrapada 1 Neutral
Merc D Pisces 04-09-56 Uttara Bhadrapada 1 Debilitated
Jupt D Aquarius 08-09-50 Satabhisa 1 Neutral
Venu D Aries 03-54-24 Ashvini 2 Neutral
Satn D Capricorn 16-04-59 Sravana 2 Own
Rahu R Cancer 21-52-52 Ashlesha 2
Ketu R Capricorn 21-52-52 Sravana 4
Uran R Leo 03-28-20 Magha 2
Nept R Libra 19-34-40 Swati 4
Plut R Leo 14-42-15 Purva Phalguni 1
Vimshottari Dasha
Balance Of Dasha :
MARS 1 Y 2 M 9 D
Mar 1/ 4/62 to 11/ 6/63
Rah 11/ 6/63 to 11/ 6/81
Jup 11/ 6/81 to 11/ 6/97
Sat 11/ 6/97 to 11/ 6/16
Mer 11/ 6/16 to 11/ 6/33
Ket 11/ 6/33 to 11/ 6/40
Ven 11/ 6/40 to 11/ 6/60
Sun 11/ 6/60 to 11/ 6/66
Mon 11/ 6/66 to 11/ 6/76
Note: [C] - Combust  [D ] - Direct  [R ] - Retrograde [E] - Eclipse

Phillip Schofield's Birth Chart / Kundali

Phillip Schofield Horoscope and Astrology

Phillip Schofield

Date of Birth:

Apr 1, 1962

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



85 W 25


38 N 29

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

Phillip Schofield's Zodiac Sign

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