The native gets exceptional gains and wealth from the very beginning. This may be by the way of lottery, speculation, and in shares etc. Friends and well-wishers might support and cooperate with Raima Sen in all Raima Sen's dealings. Raima Sen will earn good money through business dealings. Raima Sen will gain position and status. Raima Sen will be well respected and enjoys good meals.
Nov 7, 2025 - Jan 01, 2026
This is not a good period for Raima Sen. Raima Sen's opponents will try to damage Raima Sen's reputation. Raima Sen may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Sudden financial loss is on the cards. Take care of Raima Sen's health and food poisoning could be the cause of stomach ailments. A tendency of taking risks should be curbed as it is not a very harmonious period for Raima Sen. Dispute on small issues with relatives and friends is on cards. Don't take major decisions otherwise Raima Sen will be in trouble. Beside this, Raima Sen might have to get indulge in thankless job.
Jan 01, 2026 - Feb 18, 2026
Partnerships are good for Raima Sen this year, in both the professional and personal sphere. However, the most important thing is that Raima Sen might just have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that Raima Sen were waiting for so long. Raima Sen will be able to carry out Raima Sen's responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with Raima Sen's parents, sibling and relatives. Communications and negotiations will click for Raima Sen and bring in new opportunities. There will be frequent travels regarding business/job etc. Raima Sen may purchase precious metals, gems and jewelry.
Feb 18, 2026 - Apr 17, 2026
The great energy Raima Sen radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in Raima Sen's life. Raima Sen's rivals will not dare to face Raima Sen. Financially' it is a wonderful period for Raima Sen. Raima Sen are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in Raima Sen's individuality at work and around friends and family. Raima Sen will reap great rewards as Raima Sen learn to expand Raima Sen's communication skills and be true to Raima Sen's inner self and Raima Sen's own personal needs. Raima Sen's service/job conditions will definitely improve. Raima Sen will get all kind of support from Raima Sen's coworkers and subordinates. Raima Sen may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding Raima Sen's health is required.
Apr 17, 2026 - Jun 08, 2026
Income or the position will be improved and gain of profits from work or the business activities is guaranteed. Defeat of enemies, increased property, gain of knowledge, favor from superiors and success can be expected during this period. Travels will be very useful this period will also make Raima Sen human philosophical and profound. Raima Sen will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently.
Jun 08, 2026 - Jun 29, 2026
Raima Sen will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. Raima Sen can make great progress professionally. . Increased corporation from the family is seen. Help from people who live in faraway places or foreign associates. It could be an excellent period promising much success provided Raima Sen are willing to work on it. New opportunities will come Raima Sen's way without Raima Sen's seeking them consciously. Raima Sen will get much respect and honor in social circle. Raima Sen will construct a new house and enjoy all sort of pleasures.
Jun 29, 2026 - Aug 29, 2026
This period is fabulous for Raima Sen for many reasons. Raima Sen's ambience is just so great, that things just seem to be sorting themselves out. All Raima Sen's household affairs are going around their respective orbits with perfect harmony. Raima Sen's passion and zeal jet Raima Sen's performance and efficiency to an all time high. There will be favor from the high class, improvement in Raima Sen's staus, and destruction of Raima Sen's enemies. Raima Sen will get full support from Raima Sen's family members and relatives. There will be a pleasant environment all around Raima Sen.
Aug 29, 2026 - Sep 16, 2026
Raima Sen will be confident and positive during this period. Raima Sen will continue to wield power and authority either in government or public life. Short distance journeys are indicated which will prove to be beneficial. Raima Sen will spend money freely. Raima Sen and a close family member may suffer from ill health. Specifically it indicates sickness to Raima Sen's life partner, severe headache or eye complaints.
Sep 16, 2026 - Oct 17, 2026
There may be some bad news regarding business or new venture. Don't get indulge in taking risks as it is not a very favorable period for Raima Sen. Family member's health may cause anxiety. Speculation must be avoided or else they may cause financial losses. Opponents will try to create problems on Raima Sen's personal as well as professional front. Stay away from water as there is fear from drowning. Fever and cold will give some health problems.
Oct 17, 2026 - Nov 07, 2026
This is not a favorable time for financial gains. There can be a bad news in Raima Sen's family. Family disputes may also disturb Raima Sen's peace of mind. Raima Sen may get in trouble because of Raima Sen's own harsh words or speech. There may be some bad news regarding business. Heavy losses are indicated. Health problem may disturb Raima Sen.