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Rajendra K. Pachauri 2024 Horoscope

Rajendra K. Pachauri Horoscope and Astrology

Rajendra K. Pachauri

Date of Birth:

Aug 20, 1940

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



79 E 27


29 N 23

Time Zone:


Information Source:

765 Notable Horoscopes

AstroSage Rating:

Reference (R)

Year 2024 Summary Horoscope

It would be advisable to maintain cordial relations with relatives. A health check is necessary. A prolonged illness is speculated. Rajendra K. Pachauri's enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm Rajendra K. Pachauri, so better to keep safe distance from them. Family members health may disturb Rajendra K. Pachauri's peace of mind. Financial condition may not be good and Rajendra K. Pachauri may get into debt. There can be expenditure and loss due to thieves and disputes. There will be disputes and disagreements with the authorities.

Aug 21, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024

Some restlessness is likely, mainly because of a deep feeling of wanderlust. Rajendra K. Pachauri don't like to get backed into a corner, so this can cause some strain. Rajendra K. Pachauri's mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and Rajendra K. Pachauri might make journey to sacred places. The period will begin with a phase of volatility and pressure in career. Tuning with Rajendra K. Pachauri's own people and Rajendra K. Pachauri's relatives may get disturbed. Give proper attention to our day to day pursuits. Rajendra K. Pachauri will not be able to fulfill Rajendra K. Pachauri's family's expectations. This is not a perfect time for Rajendra K. Pachauri to indulge in any type of business matters. This will be testing time for Rajendra K. Pachauri's mother.

Sep 11, 2024 - Nov 11, 2024

People look up to Rajendra K. Pachauri and come to Rajendra K. Pachauri for advice. Things will start getting sorted out. The whole of this period comes into a period of great potential and energy for Rajendra K. Pachauri. Time brings Rajendra K. Pachauri fortune, ability and courage. However there will be material gains and recognition from superiors nonetheless. So it is a good period for trying out new things, going to new places. Rajendra K. Pachauri are likely to acquire a conveyance in this period. Rajendra K. Pachauri will connect with more people and make the most out of those connections in both giving and taking. This period will also bring happiness and success to Rajendra K. Pachauri's siblings.

Nov 11, 2024 - Nov 29, 2024

This is a relaxing period for Rajendra K. Pachauri. Rajendra K. Pachauri's outlook will be confident and Rajendra K. Pachauri will feel positive. On the domestic front Rajendra K. Pachauri will be happy and Rajendra K. Pachauri's desires will be fulfilled. Though there is possibility of problems to Rajendra K. Pachauri's borther. Traveling is on cards. Short distance journeys will be fruitful and bring luck. Monetary gains are likely to happen. Rajendra K. Pachauri will socialize with family and friends. Rajendra K. Pachauri are blessed with good health. There will be victory over enemies.

Nov 29, 2024 - Dec 29, 2024

Good harmony and understanding is indicated in family life. This is a good time to expand Rajendra K. Pachauri's knowledge, learn something from colleagues. Good relations with friends or foreigners will be fruitful. The will be gain of land. Rajendra K. Pachauri will do charitable deeds. Rajendra K. Pachauri's children will also be successful and bring happiness to Rajendra K. Pachauri. A wonderful life is waiting ahead for Rajendra K. Pachauri.

Dec 29, 2024 - Jan 20, 2025

Rajendra K. Pachauri should avoid complacency and easy-going attitudes, tone down the flashier side of Rajendra K. Pachauri's nature, and get back to old-fashioned hard-work in an attempt to succeed in life. Financially it will be a difficult period. Rajendra K. Pachauri may have to confront theft, scandals and disputes during this period. Rajendra K. Pachauri will find increased work-loads and heightened levels of responsibility at work. This is considered somewhat a bad period for health. Rajendra K. Pachauri can face ear and eye troubles. Rajendra K. Pachauri's life-partner can also have health issues. Rajendra K. Pachauri's peace of mind will remain disturbed.

Jan 20, 2025 - Mar 15, 2025

This period would be an excellent stepping stone for growth vertically and a rise on Rajendra K. Pachauri's career. There are chances of getting benefits from the associates/partners. Rajendra K. Pachauri may be inclined towards earning through unjust means. Rajendra K. Pachauri's self-discipline, self-monitoring and control over Rajendra K. Pachauri's daily routine will be beneficial to Rajendra K. Pachauri. Rajendra K. Pachauri's relationship with seniors/ authorities will be very cordial and at the sometime Rajendra K. Pachauri's business circle will increase. Health related problems may disturb Rajendra K. Pachauri's peace of mind.

Mar 15, 2025 - May 03, 2025

But sufferings and letdowns are bound to come, and Rajendra K. Pachauri will need to learn to take things positively and not to leave matters unfinished. Rajendra K. Pachauri will need to be in the thick of things at Rajendra K. Pachauri's workplace. Sudden losses are also possible. Rajendra K. Pachauri may gain from foreign sources. Health problems might disturb Rajendra K. Pachauri. Rajendra K. Pachauri may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Rajendra K. Pachauri's enemies will try in each and every way to tarnish Rajendra K. Pachauri's image. Not a very sound period for Rajendra K. Pachauri.

May 03, 2025 - Jun 30, 2025

This period can be called a dawn of a good perid. Rajendra K. Pachauri are likely to be involved in noble deeds. During this period, Rajendra K. Pachauri will be extremely happy. Rajendra K. Pachauri would be able to handle even adverse situation. Family happiness is assured for Rajendra K. Pachauri. Though there can be some trouble and problems to Rajendra K. Pachauri's siblings. There will be an increase in Rajendra K. Pachauri's income due to Rajendra K. Pachauri's own efforts. Rajendra K. Pachauri's enemies will not be able to harm Rajendra K. Pachauri. Minor health ailments could also be possible. Rajendra K. Pachauri's friends and associates will assist Rajendra K. Pachauri in Rajendra K. Pachauri's pursuits.

Jun 30, 2025 - Aug 21, 2025

Travels will prove interesting and may pave the way for exciting interactions with compatible persons. Rajendra K. Pachauri will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give Rajendra K. Pachauri's best to both these vital aspects of life. Rajendra K. Pachauri's cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring Rajendra K. Pachauri prosperity fame and good income or profits. Meeting with old friends is also indicated. Rajendra K. Pachauri will get company of opposite sex. Rajendra K. Pachauri will get some help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions

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