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Robert Redford 2024 Horoscope

Robert Redford Horoscope and Astrology

Robert Redford

Date of Birth:

Aug 18, 1936

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:

Santa Monica


118 W 29


34 N 1

Time Zone:


Information Source:

Kundli Sangraha (Tendulkar)

AstroSage Rating:

Accurate (A)

Year 2024 Summary Horoscope

Robert Redford will enjoy all the prosperity and comfort. This is best position for Muntha where there is fulfillment of desires and Robert Redford lead a contented life. Robert Redford's fame and reputation will be on an increase. Robert Redford will get promotion or improvement in status. Robert Redford will be favored by ministers and government. Robert Redford will help relatives and society.

Aug 19, 2024 - Oct 10, 2024

This is not a very satisfactory period for Robert Redford. Robert Redford may get indulge into sudden losses financially. Failure in attempts will make Robert Redford feel frustrated. Robert Redford will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. Family life will also create tensions. Don't try to take risks in business matters as period is not very harmonious to Robert Redford. Robert Redford's enemies will try to tarnish Robert Redford's image. Robert Redford may also get indulge into unnecessary expenses. Health may also give some trouble. Especially old people may encounter catarrh and phlegmatic troubles.

Oct 10, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024

A phase of confusion in strategy & misunderstandings with business partners or associates is possible. Major expansion & long term plans should be put on hold. Focus should be on gains from existing sources, throughout the period. It is better to avoid travel as far as possible. Robert Redford's enemies will put their best efforts to harm Robert Redford. Even Robert Redford should be careful about Robert Redford's friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of Robert Redford'sself as it may become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of chonic diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter off act Robert Redford will be inclined towards unproductive pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with the characterless persons.

Oct 31, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024

In this period Robert Redford will spend more on luxuries and comforts but it would be better if it is checked out. Robert Redford may face disappointments in love affairs and trouble in family life. Robert Redford's rivals will try to harm Robert Redford in each and every possible way so try to be more concerned when dealing with any kind of personal or professional matters. A worry related to health of Robert Redford's family members is on the cards. Though financially, it is not a bad period but still Robert Redford should put hold on over expanses. Get proper care of Robert Redford's own health.

Dec 31, 2024 - Jan 18, 2025

Don't try to be aggressive in nature because Robert Redford's aggressiveness can shove Robert Redford into difficult situations. There will be difference of opinion, quarrels, and fighting with Robert Redford's friends. So, try to maintain good relations otherwise there is possibility of straining relations with them. There will be ups and downs financially. Lack of harmony and understanding is indicated in family life. There are possibilities of distress from spouse and mother. Care must be taken regarding health. The diseases that require immediate attention are headace, eye, abdominal disease, and swelling of the feet.

Jan 18, 2025 - Feb 17, 2025

This is not a very favorable period for Robert Redford physically as well as mentally. Robert Redford may suffer some problems related to Robert Redford's health which may disturb Robert Redford's peace of mind. Robert Redford's enemies may try to blot Robert Redford's image in front of Robert Redford's family and friends so Robert Redford are advised to stay away from them as much as possible. Health problems are very much possible during this period so Robert Redford need to be very careful about Robert Redford's health. Possibility of ill health to Robert Redford's life partner is also there.

Feb 17, 2025 - Mar 11, 2025

It could be some good period promising some success provided Robert Redford are willing to work on it. New opportunities will come Robert Redford's way without Robert Redford's seeking them consciously. Changes at work-place or at home can be fortunate. Robert Redford will take decisive steps forward along the path of progress. There may be increase in expenditure which needs to be controlled. Robert Redford will also find Robert Redford'sself vigourless and berift of confidence.

Mar 11, 2025 - May 04, 2025

Though Robert Redford will try a lot to maintain good relation with Robert Redford's partners or associates but all in ruin. Growth & new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges and difficulties. There could be controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are also possible. Health problems might disturb Robert Redford. Robert Redford may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.

May 04, 2025 - Jun 22, 2025

This period is surely going to bring all the authority. A foreign connection will serve Robert Redford well for a considerable duration, and they might just be the source of the extra unexpected income on the cards for Robert Redford and power that Robert Redford strive for. Keep up the tempo and believe in Robert Redford's abilities, the year will see Robert Redford off in a completely new position. Family atmosphere will be very supporting. A long distance travel will be rewarding. Robert Redford will take interest in religion and perform charitable deeds.

Jun 22, 2025 - Aug 19, 2025

The great energy Robert Redford radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in Robert Redford's life. Robert Redford's rivals will not dare to face Robert Redford. Financially' it is a wonderful period for Robert Redford. Robert Redford are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in Robert Redford's individuality at work and around friends and family. Robert Redford will reap great rewards as Robert Redford learn to expand Robert Redford's communication skills and be true to Robert Redford's inner self and Robert Redford's own personal needs. Robert Redford's service/job conditions will definitely improve. Robert Redford will get all kind of support from Robert Redford's coworkers and subordinates. Robert Redford may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding Robert Redford's health is required.

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