Roger Ball
Jun 4, 1944
3 W 0, 56 N 28
3 W 0
56 N 28
Reference (R)
Because Roger Ball are sensitive to any happenings in Roger Ball's career life, Roger Ball prefer to have jobs which require little hassle and pressure. Aiming Roger Ball's vocational directions with this in mind will result in a career of performance.
Whatever Roger Ball turn to, Roger Ball will engage in with all Roger Ball's might - one at a time. Then, if monotony or routine plays a large part in the chosen occupation, Roger Ball will become restless and look for a complete change. Accordingly, Roger Ball must see to it that, at the outset, Roger Ball choose a form of work possessing plenty of variety. Roger Ball should think of nothing that keeps Roger Ball seated in an office, since Roger Ball need movement. There is much in a commercial traveller's work that will appeal to Roger Ball. But, there are thousands of jobs, which will take Roger Ball from place to place and where Roger Ball will constantly seeing fresh faces, that will be suited to Roger Ball's requirements also. Roger Ball have an excellent executive ability which fits Roger Ball for ruling Roger Ball own right after Roger Ball reach the age of 35. Moreover, at about this time, Roger Ball become unfitted for serving under others.
Roger Ball will have great ability in making money in all forms of industry, business organisation or in the employment of others. Roger Ball will always see a way out of any difficulty and be self-reliant and determined in whatever course of action Roger Ball may decide to follow. Roger Ball will be a speculator on a large scale in all Roger Ball undertake. Roger Ball will treat life more as a game than from a serious standpoint. As a general rule, luck will favour Roger Ball during the greater part of Roger Ball's life. In relation to finance Roger Ball need have nothing to fear. Once the early part of Roger Ball's life is over, Roger Ball will begin to reap forward for the foundation Roger Ball have laid and from that point Roger Ball are likely to accumulate wealth and position.