Sania Mirza
Nov 15, 1986
72 E 50
18 N 58
765 Notable Horoscopes
Reference (R)
Love comes early in Sania Mirza's life and when it comes, it strikes a very ardent note. But big flames die out quickly and Sania Mirza are out of love many times before the final choice is made. Probably, the wedding will not be an early one, nevertheless, it will be a happy one.
It would be misleading to say that Sania Mirza are robust. Nevertheless, there is no reason why Sania Mirza should not live to an advanced age, with care. There are two things to watch over : they are indigestion and rheumatism. Regarding Sania Mirza's indigestion, be careful not to hurry over Sania Mirza's meals, and eat them in peaceful surroundings. In addition, see that Sania Mirza take them at regular hours. As regards rheumatism, this need not concern Sania Mirza much as long as Sania Mirza guard against damp air, cold winds, wet feet and so on.
Sania Mirza will take up many hobbies. Sania Mirza will become very much wrapped-up in them. Then, suddenly Sania Mirza will lose patience and cast them aside. Another will be chosen and it will suffer the same fate in due course. Sania Mirza will proceed through life in this manner. On the whole, Sania Mirza's hobbies will afford Sania Mirza considerable pleasure. Sania Mirza will learn much from them, seeing that Sania Mirza will sample so many.