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Siddharth Malhotra 2025 Horoscope

Siddharth Malhotra Horoscope and Astrology

Siddharth Malhotra

Date of Birth:

Dec 31, 1987

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



72 E 50


21 N 10

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

Year 2025 Summary Horoscope

Siddharth Malhotra may suffer due to health complications of Siddharth Malhotra's spouse. Siddharth Malhotra will find it difficult to adjust with Siddharth Malhotra's associates and seniors. Progeny related problems are on the cards. The native faces hardships in every sphere of life. Silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments in love life or married life are seen. There will be disagreement with Siddharth Malhotra's life-partner and family members. Health problems are also on the cards. Mental control is very much required during this period, as Siddharth Malhotra may desire to do something unethical.

Dec 31, 2025 - Jan 21, 2026

This is not a favorable time for financial gains. There can be a bad news in Siddharth Malhotra's family. Family disputes may also disturb Siddharth Malhotra's peace of mind. Siddharth Malhotra may get in trouble because of Siddharth Malhotra's own harsh words or speech. There may be some bad news regarding business. Heavy losses are indicated. Health problem may disturb Siddharth Malhotra.

Jan 21, 2026 - Mar 17, 2026

Volatility & some lack of direction in career will prevail as the period starts. Siddharth Malhotra should avoid new projects or major changes in career during this time. Siddharth Malhotra will not be able to cope well with Siddharth Malhotra's friends and relatives. Unwanted situations may arise, which can create fighting, troubles into Siddharth Malhotra's life. Don't adopt undesirable means for quick monetary gains. Working/service conditions shall not be satisfactory. There could be danger of accident/mishap. Try to build up Siddharth Malhotra's confidence to cope with awkward situations which will come in this period. Siddharth Malhotra may have cough problems, asthmatic complaints or rheumatic pains.

Mar 17, 2026 - May 04, 2026

Siddharth Malhotra take care of Siddharth Malhotra'sself now and not let Siddharth Malhotra'sself be overburdened, and that way Siddharth Malhotra can keep Siddharth Malhotra'sself going for long. There might be a few disappointments. Siddharth Malhotra's courage and convictions are Siddharth Malhotra's strongest qualities, but it might hurt to get a little too pigheaded. Don't go for big investment because things may not turn up according to Siddharth Malhotra's expectations. Siddharth Malhotra may not get proper support from Siddharth Malhotra's friends and associates. Family members attitude will be quite different. Health will be an issue and Siddharth Malhotra will see diseased like nausea, fever attacks, ear infection and vomiting.

May 04, 2026 - Jul 01, 2026

Job matters will remain mostly below average and not entirely satisfactory. Work environment will remain disturbed and under pressure during this period. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally. Siddharth Malhotra should avoid major activity during this period. If working as a professional, this year will experience hurdles and some challenges. There will be uncertainty and some confusion. Siddharth Malhotra will lack full support from Siddharth Malhotra's own people. Possiblity of some legal action against Siddharth Malhotra is also there. The health of Siddharth Malhotra's dear ones may create anxiety for Siddharth Malhotra. There will be problem in the progeny during this period. Siddharth Malhotra should keep a low profile during this time and avoid changes.

Jul 01, 2026 - Aug 22, 2026

Income or the position will be improved and gain of profits from work or the business activities is guaranteed. Defeat of enemies, increased property, gain of knowledge, favor from superiors and success can be expected during this period. Travels will be very useful this period will also make Siddharth Malhotra human philosophical and profound. Siddharth Malhotra will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently.

Aug 22, 2026 - Sep 12, 2026

Siddharth Malhotra will be able to maintain good rapport with Siddharth Malhotra's superiors which is very beneficial to Siddharth Malhotra on long run. Loss of position is indicated during this period. Siddharth Malhotra's mind will be full of innovative and creative thoughts, but don't try to apply them without realizing the pros and cons of the situations. Siddharth Malhotra should give more attention to Siddharth Malhotra's domestic life. Travel is on Siddharth Malhotra's cards and would be very rewarding. There are chances of ill health of Siddharth Malhotra's family members so take good care of them as well as Siddharth Malhotra'ss.

Sep 12, 2026 - Nov 12, 2026

Luck will be on Siddharth Malhotra's side in case Siddharth Malhotra are thinking about a rolling Siddharth Malhotra's dice on some project or speculation. There are chances of good career progress. This could be an excellent period promising much success provided Siddharth Malhotra are willing to work on it. Siddharth Malhotra will acquire new assests and make some wise investments. Siddharth Malhotra will enjoy the company of the opposite sex. Increased corporation from the family is seen. Siddharth Malhotra will develop the taste for rich and delicious food. A get together at home is on the cards.

Nov 12, 2026 - Nov 30, 2026

A patchy domestic life may require more attention and care. It will be difficult to cope with family matters and tension. There will be disputes with the family members. There is possibility of Siddharth Malhotra getting a bad news within the family.There may be heavy financial losses and loss of property. Money matters should be taken care of. Throaat, Mouth and eye diseases may cause trouble.

Nov 30, 2026 - Dec 31, 2026

This is not a very favorable period for Siddharth Malhotra physically as well as mentally. Siddharth Malhotra may suffer some problems related to Siddharth Malhotra's health which may disturb Siddharth Malhotra's peace of mind. Siddharth Malhotra's enemies may try to blot Siddharth Malhotra's image in front of Siddharth Malhotra's family and friends so Siddharth Malhotra are advised to stay away from them as much as possible. Health problems are very much possible during this period so Siddharth Malhotra need to be very careful about Siddharth Malhotra's health. Possibility of ill health to Siddharth Malhotra's life partner is also there.

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