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Simi Garewal 2025 Horoscope

Simi Garewal Horoscope and Astrology

Simi Garewal

Date of Birth:

Oct 17, 1940

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



76 E 47


30 N 43

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

Year 2025 Summary Horoscope

Some ups and downs in money matters and position are on the cards for Muntha. There may be heavy financial losses and loss of property. Money matters should be taken care of. Keep Simi Garewal's temper in check from getting into embarrassing situations as there are chances of disputes with close associates and relatives. Simi Garewal need to keep a check on Simi Garewal's health because sickness in on the card.

Oct 18, 2025 - Nov 08, 2025

This is the time which will show Simi Garewal mixed results. Don't overlook minor health related problems because it may turn into a big one. Some diseases that require special attention are ulcer, rheumatism, vomiting, head an eye troubles, pain in joints or injury due to falling of heavy metallic lump etc. Difficult situations may arise in Simi Garewal's path but don't lose Simi Garewal's heart in the adversities as Simi Garewal's self-confidence will work in Simi Garewal's favor. Dispute with government and senior officials are on the card, so Simi Garewal are advised to be careful. This is not a favorable time for speculation or taking risks.

Nov 08, 2025 - Jan 02, 2026

This is not a good period for Simi Garewal. Simi Garewal's opponents will try to damage Simi Garewal's reputation. Simi Garewal may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Sudden financial loss is on the cards. Take care of Simi Garewal's health and food poisoning could be the cause of stomach ailments. A tendency of taking risks should be curbed as it is not a very harmonious period for Simi Garewal. Dispute on small issues with relatives and friends is on cards. Don't take major decisions otherwise Simi Garewal will be in trouble. Beside this, Simi Garewal might have to get indulge in thankless job.

Jan 02, 2026 - Feb 19, 2026

This period is surely going to bring all the authority. A foreign connection will serve Simi Garewal well for a considerable duration, and they might just be the source of the extra unexpected income on the cards for Simi Garewal and power that Simi Garewal strive for. Keep up the tempo and believe in Simi Garewal's abilities, the year will see Simi Garewal off in a completely new position. Family atmosphere will be very supporting. A long distance travel will be rewarding. Simi Garewal will take interest in religion and perform charitable deeds.

Feb 19, 2026 - Apr 18, 2026

The great energy Simi Garewal radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in Simi Garewal's life. Simi Garewal's rivals will not dare to face Simi Garewal. Financially' it is a wonderful period for Simi Garewal. Simi Garewal are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in Simi Garewal's individuality at work and around friends and family. Simi Garewal will reap great rewards as Simi Garewal learn to expand Simi Garewal's communication skills and be true to Simi Garewal's inner self and Simi Garewal's own personal needs. Simi Garewal's service/job conditions will definitely improve. Simi Garewal will get all kind of support from Simi Garewal's coworkers and subordinates. Simi Garewal may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding Simi Garewal's health is required.

Apr 18, 2026 - Jun 09, 2026

This year presents Simi Garewal with a taxing work schedule but will reward Simi Garewal with good career progress. This could be an excellent period promising much success provided Simi Garewal are willing to work on it. Corporation from the family is seen. This is also a period which can give Simi Garewal fame. Simi Garewal can make great progress professionally. Simi Garewal will be able to win over Simi Garewal's enemies. Simi Garewal will acquire new trades and new friends. Simi Garewal will maintain a harmonious relations ship with all.

Jun 09, 2026 - Jun 30, 2026

Simi Garewal will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. Simi Garewal can make great progress professionally. . Increased corporation from the family is seen. Help from people who live in faraway places or foreign associates. It could be an excellent period promising much success provided Simi Garewal are willing to work on it. New opportunities will come Simi Garewal's way without Simi Garewal's seeking them consciously. Simi Garewal will get much respect and honor in social circle. Simi Garewal will construct a new house and enjoy all sort of pleasures.

Jun 30, 2026 - Aug 30, 2026

In this period Simi Garewal will spend more on luxuries and comforts but it would be better if it is checked out. Simi Garewal may face disappointments in love affairs and trouble in family life. Simi Garewal's rivals will try to harm Simi Garewal in each and every possible way so try to be more concerned when dealing with any kind of personal or professional matters. A worry related to health of Simi Garewal's family members is on the cards. Though financially, it is not a bad period but still Simi Garewal should put hold on over expanses. Get proper care of Simi Garewal's own health.

Aug 30, 2026 - Sep 17, 2026

Simi Garewal will be confident and positive during this period. Simi Garewal will continue to wield power and authority either in government or public life. Short distance journeys are indicated which will prove to be beneficial. Simi Garewal will spend money freely. Simi Garewal and a close family member may suffer from ill health. Specifically it indicates sickness to Simi Garewal's life partner, severe headache or eye complaints.

Sep 17, 2026 - Oct 18, 2026

This is a period of financial stability for Simi Garewal. During this period Simi Garewal can work over Simi Garewal's hopes and ambitions and give them a better shape. This is a favorable time for love and romance. Simi Garewal will develop new friendship which will be very rewarding and helpful. Simi Garewal will enjoy respect and honor from learned people and will be quite popular with the opposite sex. Long distance travel is also indicated.

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