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Somdev Devvarman 2024 Horoscope

Somdev Devvarman Horoscope and Astrology

Somdev Devvarman

Date of Birth:

Feb 13, 1985

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



91 E 43


26 N 8

Time Zone:


Information Source:


AstroSage Rating:

Dirty Data (DD)

Year 2024 Summary Horoscope

Some ups and downs in money matters and position are on the cards for Muntha. There may be heavy financial losses and loss of property. Money matters should be taken care of. Keep Somdev Devvarman's temper in check from getting into embarrassing situations as there are chances of disputes with close associates and relatives. Somdev Devvarman need to keep a check on Somdev Devvarman's health because sickness in on the card.

Feb 14, 2024 - Apr 15, 2024

A visit to a holy place of Somdev Devvarman's interest is on the charts. Somdev Devvarman will, however, have a romantic and charismatic attitude, and this will help Somdev Devvarman maintain cordial relations with the ones Somdev Devvarman know and establish contacts with the ones Somdev Devvarman don't. There is certain amount of wish fulfillment which generally means gains in dealings or promotions in the hierarchy of the organization Somdev Devvarman work for. Acqusition of a new vehicle or buying new land is on the cards. Overall, the period is very good.

Apr 15, 2024 - May 03, 2024

This is a good time for self-expression and the use of Somdev Devvarman's creative abilities in various fields. The most unexpected changes could be expected in Somdev Devvarman's work area and in professional activities which are outstanding for Somdev Devvarman. There will be favor from the higher authorities and seniors. Positive changes in Somdev Devvarman's personal and professional life will take place. Somdev Devvarman may gain paternal properties. Somdev Devvarman would surely be successful during this period and see fulfillment of Somdev Devvarman's wishes.

May 03, 2024 - Jun 03, 2024

Somdev Devvarman may get indulge into unwanted expenditure. Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. Somdev Devvarman are advised to be very calm and balanced in Somdev Devvarman's approach towards different situations in life. Guesswork is not going to help Somdev Devvarman in any field so it should be avoided. There will be health problems related to eyes, phlegmatic complaints and spleen. Somdev Devvarman will create problems for Somdev Devvarman'sself by uttering falsehood.

Jun 03, 2024 - Jun 24, 2024

It could be some good period promising some success provided Somdev Devvarman are willing to work on it. New opportunities will come Somdev Devvarman's way without Somdev Devvarman's seeking them consciously. Changes at work-place or at home can be fortunate. Somdev Devvarman will take decisive steps forward along the path of progress. There may be increase in expenditure which needs to be controlled. Somdev Devvarman will also find Somdev Devvarman'sself vigourless and berift of confidence.

Jun 24, 2024 - Aug 18, 2024

During this period Somdev Devvarman will be courageous and rise to a high level. Somdev Devvarman will enjoy conjugal happiness during this time. Somdev Devvarman's contacts with influential people will definitely increase. Somdev Devvarman's opponents will lack conviction and courage to face Somdev Devvarman. Long distance travel is going to be beneficial. For love and romance this is going to be a boon. Somdev Devvarman will be heroic in strife and overcome Somdev Devvarman's enemies. Minor ailment can be seen. Family relation will be quite satisfactory. Though relationship with Somdev Devvarman's children may not be good.

Aug 18, 2024 - Oct 05, 2024

But sufferings and letdowns are bound to come, and Somdev Devvarman will need to learn to take things positively and not to leave matters unfinished. Somdev Devvarman will need to be in the thick of things at Somdev Devvarman's workplace. Sudden losses are also possible. Somdev Devvarman may gain from foreign sources. Health problems might disturb Somdev Devvarman. Somdev Devvarman may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Somdev Devvarman's enemies will try in each and every way to tarnish Somdev Devvarman's image. Not a very sound period for Somdev Devvarman.

Oct 05, 2024 - Dec 02, 2024

The outlook however will remain average mostly throughout the period. Somdev Devvarman should work on developing Somdev Devvarman's profession rather than focusing on gains. During this period there could be personal issues & minor health issues which could create hurdles for work. There would be challenges and new choices which should be taken carefully. New projects should be totally avoided. This period will experience hurdles due to Somdev Devvarman's un-adjusting nature as well as competition in work environment. Purchase of land and machinery should be postponed for some time.

Dec 02, 2024 - Jan 23, 2025

This is a very good period coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last Somdev Devvarman can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work Somdev Devvarman had been doing for a long time. Somdev Devvarman's financial luck will be excellent provided Somdev Devvarman avoid dubious speculative activities. Travels can bring Somdev Devvarman into contact with compatible partners or new friends. Somdev Devvarman will befriend with political dignitaries or higher officials. Somdev Devvarman will see birth of a son during this period.

Jan 23, 2025 - Feb 13, 2025

Hurdles in personal and professional front are seen. Try to handle the difficult situation in a calm and intelligent way because rashness is definitely not going to help Somdev Devvarman in this period. Travel is not beneficial so try to avoid it. Somdev Devvarman will not get full support from Somdev Devvarman's family side. Progeny related problems will be observed during this period. Somdev Devvarman's enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm Somdev Devvarman. Better be bold and sticky to Somdev Devvarman's fair decisions. Stomach ailments may be the cause of anxiety.

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