Will Smith
Sep 25, 1968
75 W 9
39 N 57
Reference (R)
Will Smith take love very seriously. In fact, Will Smith approach it in such a manner that the object of Will Smith's affections is likely to be frightened away. Once the course of true love runs smoothly, Will Smith show that Will Smith's affections are deep and real. Will Smith will make a very sympathetic partner and the person whom Will Smith marry will have Will Smith's undivided love. Will Smith will want him or her, however, to listen attentively to Will Smith's troubles. But, Will Smith will not have the patience to give a sympathetic ear to others.
It would be misleading to say that Will Smith are robust. Nevertheless, there is no reason why Will Smith should not live to an advanced age, with care. There are two things to watch over : they are indigestion and rheumatism. Regarding Will Smith's indigestion, be careful not to hurry over Will Smith's meals, and eat them in peaceful surroundings. In addition, see that Will Smith take them at regular hours. As regards rheumatism, this need not concern Will Smith much as long as Will Smith guard against damp air, cold winds, wet feet and so on.
Will Smith's leisure moments must be spent in a manner fitting to Will Smith's temperament. Seeing that Will Smith value refinement and comforts, Will Smith do not care for rough or strenuous games. Will Smith like the company of others and Will Smith seek the bright-spots of life. Card-playing, probably, tempts Will Smith, but it has no attractions unless money stakes are involved. And, here, it may be well to warn Will Smith against gambling. If allowed, it might take a strong hold on Will Smith.