Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. This is a good time to start new ventures. This transit indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, Xavi's cherished desires will be fulfilled. Xavi may get into new trade or get new contracts. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be expected. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period. Xavi need to pay special attention to the relationship with Xavi's life-partner and some caution is required there.
Xavi's 2025's Saturn Transit Horoscope
In this period Xavi will spend more on luxuries and comforts but it would be better if it is checked out. Xavi may face disappointments in love affairs and trouble in family life. Xavi's rivals will try to harm Xavi in each and every possible way so try to be more concerned when dealing with any kind of personal or professional matters. A worry related to health of Xavi's family members is on the cards. Though financially, it is not a bad period but still Xavi should put hold on over expanses. Get proper care of Xavi's own health.
Xavi's 2025's Rahu Transit Horoscope
The period will begin with hurdles in career due to pressures created by competition in Xavi's work area. Xavi need to be more flexible in handling those situations. New projects and risks in career should be avoided. Xavi should avoid controversy or seeking a change in job till such time. Xavi need to keep Xavi's speech & communications positive & non offensive throughout to ensure Xavi do not suffer any set backs due to Xavi's words, written or spoken. Xavi's relationship with the opposite sex will not be cordial. Illness of life-partner is also on the cards. As far as possible, unwanted travels should be curtailed. Xavi may have to face some unexpected sorrows and baseless allegations.
Xavi's 2025's Ketu Transit Horoscope
There will be good chances of entering into profitable deals. If Xavi have applied for loans, then Xavi might get finances. Minor health ailment could also be possible. Xavi will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give Xavi's best to both these vital aspects of life. Xavi's cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring Xavi prosperity fame and good income or profits. Xavi will emerge as winner in competition and successful in interviews.