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Anil Ambani 2025 Horoscope

Anil Ambani Horoscope and Astrology

Anil Ambani

Date of Birth:

Jun 4, 1959

Time of Birth:


Place of Birth:



72 E 50


18 N 58

Time Zone:


Information Source:

Lagna Phal (Garg)

AstroSage Rating:

Reference (R)

Year 2025 Summary Horoscope

Anil Ambani may hear bad news about a close relative or family member. Anil Ambani are advised to take proper care of Anil Ambani'sself as there are chances of suffering from diseases. There is a loss of wealth, loss of confidence, fruitless and mental worries. People jealousy for Anil Ambani can cause problems. Chances of financial loss due to theft are also there. Anil Ambani may also indulge in bad company and bad habits.

Jun 4, 2025 - Jul 29, 2025

Anil Ambani will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. Anil Ambani can make great progress professionally. Business/trade prospects will be very good, a promotion should be anticipated if employed somewhere. Anil Ambani might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic fronts. There will be a good opportunity to come into contact with compatible persons in the course of Anil Ambani's official duties/ travels. Anil Ambani's relationship with Anil Ambani's brothers and sisters will be fine. Though there will be problems to Anil Ambani's siblings.

Jul 29, 2025 - Sep 16, 2025

Anil Ambani's deep awareness of keeping track of Anil Ambani's health and taking better care of Anil Ambani'sself and Anil Ambani's own needs will help Anil Ambani harness some of Anil Ambani's active energy, possibly participating in physical sports as a good outlet. The great energy Anil Ambani radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in Anil Ambani's life. Anil Ambani's life-partner will contribute to Anil Ambani's happiness and success. Anil Ambani may be called upon Anil Ambani to give more time and energy in a leadership position at work. Anil Ambani will be highly respected and will become more famous.

Sep 16, 2025 - Nov 13, 2025

Some restlessness is likely, mainly because of a deep feeling of wanderlust. Anil Ambani don't like to get backed into a corner, so this can cause some strain. The period will begin with a phase of volatility and pressure in career. New project and risks should be avoided. Anil Ambani need to curb new investments and commitment. There are chances of gain but swings in work environment which will not be entirely comfortable. This period is not good as far as worldly comforts are concerned, religious and spiritual deeds can get Anil Ambani out of troubles. Anil Ambani may face sorrow through Anil Ambani's relatives. Sudden accidents and losses are also possible.

Nov 13, 2025 - Jan 03, 2026

Anil Ambani may suffer due to health complications. Anil Ambani will find it difficult to retain money as Anil Ambani will have tendency towards spending on luxuries and pleasures. This is not a good period for indulging in rash speculative activities. Silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments can affect family's peace and serenity. People jealous of Anil Ambani can cause problems, thus may get un-based accusations and create unhappiness in the family beware of them. Anil Ambani may have trouble from opposite gender so Anil Ambani need to be careful of them.

Jan 03, 2026 - Jan 25, 2026

This is a good time for self-expression and the use of Anil Ambani's creative abilities in various fields. Some auspicious ceremony may be celebrated in Anil Ambani's family. The most unexpected changes could be expected in Anil Ambani's work area and in professional activities which are outstanding for Anil Ambani. Positive changes in Anil Ambani's personal and professional life will take place and Anil Ambani will undertake journeys in connection with Anil Ambani's business which will be very rewarding and fruitful. Make the best use of this wonderful period. Anil Ambani will attend relegious functions and will come in contact with respected and religious people.

Jan 25, 2026 - Mar 26, 2026

Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at Anil Ambani, and Anil Ambani's activities. It is high time that Anil Ambani are given credit for Anil Ambani's efforts and other recognize Anil Ambani and look up to Anil Ambani. Anil Ambani will be able to carry out Anil Ambani's responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with Anil Ambani's parents, sibling and relatives. Anil Ambani might receive a very good piece of news through communication.Keep up the tempo and believe in Anil Ambani's abilities, the year will see Anil Ambani off in a completely new position. A long distance travel will be rewarding. During this period Anil Ambani will live an aristocratic life.

Mar 26, 2026 - Apr 14, 2026

Anil Ambani'll be successful in whatever Anil Ambani take up. All Anil Ambani's endeavors will be successful and Anil Ambani'll overcome all Anil Ambani's difficulties. Anil Ambani's enemies will face defeat. A promotion is status can be speculated. Anil Ambani will gain respect and good will. Anil Ambani will win litigation. A successful period on the whole. Anil Ambani need to be careful from inflmation and eye relation problems. There can be illness to mother and maternal relatives.

Apr 14, 2026 - May 14, 2026

Very successful and perspective period is waiting for Anil Ambani ahead. Creative approaches and opportunities for additional earning are on the cards. Anil Ambani will share a very good rapport with seniors and supervisors. A marked increase in Anil Ambani's income is indicated. There will be expansion of trade and increase iof reputation. Overall this is a period of all round successs.

May 14, 2026 - Jun 04, 2026

Anil Ambani should learn to relax to avoid unnecessary mental stress when things seem to be stagnating at the professional front. Resist the urge to change jobs on an impulse driven by feelings of disappointment or frustration. This is also a period which can create troubles or messy situations due to carelessness or negligence creating worries and unnecessary troubles. Health requires immediate attention as injuries and accidents and on the card. There will be disturbance in the family life and also Anil Ambani should be careful of the sex diseases.

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