The rivals and opponents will not dare to face the native. Legal battles will be in Kareena Kapoor's favor. Kareena Kapoor will enjoy name, fame, money and success in financial matters. Good support from brothers and relatives is on the cards. Kareena Kapoor will be visiting religious places and get help from people. Kareena Kapoor will get success for Kareena Kapoor's endeavors and efforts.
Sep 22, 2025 - Oct 22, 2025
This will prove to be a fantastic period for Kareena Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor will be very confident with Kareena Kapoor's thoughts and chance of getting promotion is highly recommended. There are chances of sudden travel which seems to be very fruitful. There will be happiness from siblings and from the opposite sex. This is also a good period for Kareena Kapoor's borthers. Thought of changing place or profession should be avoided.
Oct 22, 2025 - Nov 12, 2025
Be careful while dealing with friends, relatives or associates, as chances of disputes are very much there. This will not be a good time for business and there are chances of sudden loss financially. Expenditure on secret activities is possible. Kareena Kapoor may suffer due to mental stress and strain. Injuries and wounds are on the card during this period, so be careful especially while driving.
Nov 12, 2025 - Jan 06, 2026
New investments & risks should be totally avoided. There could be hurdles & hassles during this period. If working as a professional, the year will see progress, but only if Kareena Kapoor work hard and keep a long term & stoic attitude. There would not be no shortcut to success. Kareena Kapoor should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. Work environment could be stressed and erratic as the year opens. Kareena Kapoor should avoid new progress or high activity during the period. Health problems may not permit Kareena Kapoor to keep Kareena Kapoor's promises on the positive side of this period. Health needs a check and problems due to fever is most likely.
Jan 06, 2026 - Feb 24, 2026
But sufferings and letdowns are bound to come, and Kareena Kapoor will need to learn to take things positively and not to leave matters unfinished. Kareena Kapoor will need to be in the thick of things at Kareena Kapoor's workplace. Sudden losses are also possible. Kareena Kapoor may gain from foreign sources. Health problems might disturb Kareena Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Kareena Kapoor's enemies will try in each and every way to tarnish Kareena Kapoor's image. Not a very sound period for Kareena Kapoor.
Feb 24, 2026 - Apr 23, 2026
This period can be called a dawn of a good perid. Kareena Kapoor are likely to be involved in noble deeds. During this period, Kareena Kapoor will be extremely happy. Kareena Kapoor would be able to handle even adverse situation. Family happiness is assured for Kareena Kapoor. Though there can be some trouble and problems to Kareena Kapoor's siblings. There will be an increase in Kareena Kapoor's income due to Kareena Kapoor's own efforts. Kareena Kapoor's enemies will not be able to harm Kareena Kapoor. Minor health ailments could also be possible. Kareena Kapoor's friends and associates will assist Kareena Kapoor in Kareena Kapoor's pursuits.
Apr 23, 2026 - Jun 13, 2026
Travels will prove interesting and may pave the way for exciting interactions with compatible persons. Kareena Kapoor will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give Kareena Kapoor's best to both these vital aspects of life. Kareena Kapoor's cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring Kareena Kapoor prosperity fame and good income or profits. Meeting with old friends is also indicated. Kareena Kapoor will get company of opposite sex. Kareena Kapoor will get some help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions
Jun 13, 2026 - Jul 05, 2026
If in a job, the year will begin very aggressively .There will be dynamism & growth. However work environment will remain stressed and there could be controversy & issues with superiors. In general this period is not very good as very close associates, friends and family members may appear distant. Not much change is expected or recommended. Kareena Kapoor's attitude and habit of using foul language may create tensions with Kareena Kapoor's near and dear ones. Therefore, try to control Kareena Kapoor's words.
Jul 05, 2026 - Sep 03, 2026
Luck will be on Kareena Kapoor's side in case Kareena Kapoor are thinking about a rolling Kareena Kapoor's dice on some project or speculation. There are chances of good career progress. This could be an excellent period promising much success provided Kareena Kapoor are willing to work on it. Kareena Kapoor will acquire new assests and make some wise investments. Kareena Kapoor will enjoy the company of the opposite sex. Increased corporation from the family is seen. Kareena Kapoor will develop the taste for rich and delicious food. A get together at home is on the cards.
Sep 03, 2026 - Sep 22, 2026
This is a relaxing period for Kareena Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor's outlook will be confident and Kareena Kapoor will feel positive. On the domestic front Kareena Kapoor will be happy and Kareena Kapoor's desires will be fulfilled. Though there is possibility of problems to Kareena Kapoor's borther. Traveling is on cards. Short distance journeys will be fruitful and bring luck. Monetary gains are likely to happen. Kareena Kapoor will socialize with family and friends. Kareena Kapoor are blessed with good health. There will be victory over enemies.